Durban War Games Club 2023 AGM Summary and Points

 On Saturday the 14th of Jan 2023 we held the Durban War Games Club Annual General Meeting at the German Club. Here are the points of discussion:

DWGC committee are

- Darryn – chairman
- Travis – Treasurer
- Gareth Fourie – Specialist Games
- James Wakefield - Newly Appointed
- Carl Coetzee - Social Media and Advertising

Shop Sub Comittee:
This group is intended for the shops to interact with us and give us feedback on their communities and any form of help they may want to give or request from us.

Bradley Petzer - The Unseen Shoppe
Gareth Burmeister - Batcave omics and Games

What is the DWGC?
- a club of individuals who want to play some wargames! This is including but not limited to any of the Games workshop published games, and all other wargames that may be introduced. The DWGC is not based in any location but covers the greater portion of KZN. The goal is to allow all members to be able to find like minded individuals who they can engage with over their games and be able to meet up and play. We also provide events and a league to promote growth in the various games.

Durban North War Gaming

James Wakefield has suggested we find a venue up Durban North ways to allow for anyone in the area to find a game. He has been appointed a member of the DWGC committee in this regard and we are looing for good venues that we can use. Preferably something we can use on week nights, not n a Thursday. if we can store terrain and boards there that would be a bonus. if anyone has any suggestions please contact us.

Annual Fees are R200 per person. R100 for Students. To be paid into the DWGC account. contact Darryn for details

Website is currently being updated by Travis. Website should Be available from the 1st of Feb 2023, whereupon club members can start logging their games on the league. 
Feature Changes
- Legacy League Stats
- Trade Section
- Ability to add faction choices
- Player Profiles with preferred venues, looking for games, armies etc.
- New streamlined League page
- Option to log a competitive league game
We are looking at updating the landing page. Instagram, Facebook, Shop Links etc.

Carl Coetzee has been appointed to help out with our social media presence as well as advertising for the club to try and get more members.

We are setting up a Durban north venue as above
The Batcave and The Unseen Shoppe are available for game son thursday nights. Try book a table for the evenings you want to play
Every second Saturday we are able to join the Historical Gamers at the German club and have games. First Saturday starts 21st of Jan 2023. we will post dates on the website

    The DWGC League
The DWGC is meant to be a tool used to motivate players to play more games, face more unique opponents and to get their armies painted and ready for the battlefield. It is not meant to be a competitive league, although in many cases this seems to be so. It is meant for players and members to challenge themselves and try to achieve a good performance. However it has been noted that players do enjoy a competitive mode of play, where they bring everything they can to the game at the highest standard possible and feel this should be noted and perhaps motivated in some way. When the League goes live it will have an option on every game to log the game as if it was a competitive game or not. Players decide before hand if the game is competitive and then play their game at the highest level possible.
The opposite is possible too, we may also have an option for Narrative games. We do however worry that we are adding too many steps to logging games. And as it is currently we need everyone to try their best to log all of their games! All the time! If games are logged, it means we know there is more demand for the games and we can then add more resources to them, have more events etc. 
In terms of games that have not been added to the league, games can be added if we know there are players. Horus Heresy is going to be added as one of the main games, allowing for it to contribute to the overall league score. There is a high chance Kill Team will do the same. 
We will be using every AGM to look at the games that have garnered interest and adding them to the overall league score as they grow.

During the year we will endeavor to try and hold the following events

Social gatherings - Braais, Meet ups, Painting days. these may be held at shops and other venues-        Terrain fixing day - Meet up in Feb and fix the current terrain, and perhaps sell what we have for members to use wherever they want.
Narrative events
o   Formal events such as path to glory and crusade, necromunda narrative, heresy etc
o   Informal events, drop in and drop out as you want, your game affects a tree or map.
Tournaments – 4 per year, one in each quarter. At each event specialist games being played as well. 
Hobby Challenges


Best General in both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k – Andrea Balocco

-        Social Award – most games played – Jonathan David Masterten-Smith

-        Hobby Award – Bradley Petzer

-        Mascot award –  Jason Venter and Brandon Weber

      Honourable mention to the five Horus Heresy players who in the space of six months played enough games with satisfying results to qualify  - Marc Murphy, Gareth Fourie, Gareth Burmeister, Gavin Du Plessis and Quinton Gerard

-        Best Overall – Darryn

We thank everyone for your attendance and for being members for the last year! We are looking forward to see what the new year brings!



  1. Justin from the Historical Gamers - looking forward to seeing you guys on the 21st at the German Club.


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