Durban War Games Club Annual General Meeting Points of Interest

Durban War Games Club Annual General Meeting
Points of Discussion:
Fees and being a DWGC Club member
- Fees for the year
R200 – non student
R100 – student
- What do you get as a DWGC Member?
Use of the club terrain – more on this later
Priority Booking of tables and terrain
Discounts of DWGC events – more on this later
League Placement – more on this later
- the Fees can be paid for at the Unseen Shoppe or to Travis directly
The Terrain
- All DWGC Terrain and Tables will only be used by DWGC Members. Each box of terrain will have a form in it which you will sign when you use it.
- The Unseen Shoppe will have its own terrain and table that can be used by any non DWGC Members if it is not being used already.
- Terrain day. This will be the first of many, we invite you all to join us in fixing the current and building new terrain and tables.
We will be holding multiple events throughout the year.
Painting sessions
Painting competition
Hobby wars
Workshops – tactics and hobby
Age of Sigmar will be making a big impact this year, so dust off all your old fantasy models
- In 2017 we didn’t push it as hard as always and we didn’t participate as much. Neither of use three were at the Shoppe during Warhammer nights very often and we apologise for that.
- However, Travis has given the club members a very easy to use system of logging the league scores and you guys didn’t use it. This could be due to adding non club members; this is being addressed as the system will now allow for names to be entered by players. Games that are against non-club members will be confirmed by Travis and then they will register on the website.
- Keep in mind league games can be played anywhere, as long as your opponent and you have agreed that it is a league game.
Awards –
Most consistent and determined players of 2017
Bradley Petzer and Brandon Shaun Weber
As always we as a club strive to have a fun and relaxed environment where any and all can feel welcome to join us in enjoying the games we love.
The House rules committee will no longer be needed during this new edition, and is being put on hiatus till deemed necessary.
(if any other points were missed, please comment below)


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